1. Statistics Signature Creator
Preview of a signature:
Screenshot from the site itself:
(Click it for a bigger view)
(Click it for a bigger view)

Current features:
- Displays your character name
- Displays the accumulated XP in a percentage of the total XP you can achieve
- Displays an estimated ingame time you need to play in order to reach level 30
- Displays your abilities and their levels
- Displays a graphical representation of the percentage you have done
- Displays your character. New! Optional: upload your mugshot.
- Displays your faction, class and level
What do I need to have to create such a beautiful signature?
1. the game
2. internet
3. some knowlege to find your mugshot
4. know your current XP
5. understand english language
6. brains...
Difficulity to create this signature: 2/5
+ Updates are automaticly, nice concept and a very good working site...
+ No need for hosting to host your signature.
- Not really somthing bad to tell about this site, but perhaps the sitedesign could be better.
(Somekind of a BFHeroestheme... )
- Also is the link to the site burned in the picture itself:
- Its always risky to have a signature on someones others site because you never know if it will always stay online.
Its a site that you must try out for sure! You get a nice signature for free, and you dont to spend a lot of time in creating it.
Our rating: 8/10
1. Dynamic Signature Creator

Screenshot from the site itself:
(Click it for a bigger view)

- Displays your character name
- Displays the accumulated XP in a percentage of the total XP you can achieve
- Displays an estimated ingame time you need to play in order to reach level 30
- Displays your abilities and their levels
- Displays a graphical representation of the percentage you have done
- Displays your character. New! Optional: upload your mugshot.
- Displays your faction, class and level
What do I need to have to create such a beautiful signature?
1. the game
2. internet
3. some knowlege to find your mugshot
4. know your current XP
5. understand english language
6. brains...
Difficulity to create this signature: 2/5
+ Updates are automaticly, nice concept and a very good working site...
+ No need for hosting to host your signature.
- Not really somthing bad to tell about this site, but perhaps the sitedesign could be better.
(Somekind of a BFHeroestheme... )
- Also is the link to the site burned in the picture itself:
- Its always risky to have a signature on someones others site because you never know if it will always stay online.
Its a site that you must try out for sure! You get a nice signature for free, and you dont to spend a lot of time in creating it.
Our rating: 8/10
1. Dynamic Signature Creator
Previeuw of a signature:
Screenshot from the site itself:
(Click it for a bigger view)
Current features:
- Displays your character name
- Displays your abilities and their levels
- Displays your character. (mugshot)
- Displays your faction, class and level
- Displays your other soldiers
What do I need to have to create such a beautiful signature?
1. the game
2. internet
3. a good browser (ex.: firefox)
4. some knowlege to find your mugshot
5. understand english language
6. brains...
Difficulity to create this signature: 2/5
+ Updates are automaticly, nice concept.
+ No need for hosting to host your signature.
+ Interesting information on your signature.
+ Sitedesign is very good!!!
+ Signature is very nice and no link burned in it...
- Its always risky to have a signature on someones others site because you never know if it will always stay online.
- big signature, maybe to big...
Its a site that you must try out for sure! You get a nice signature for free, and you dont to spend a lot of time in creating it.
Our rating: 9/10
- Displays your abilities and their levels
- Displays your character. (mugshot)
- Displays your faction, class and level
- Displays your other soldiers
What do I need to have to create such a beautiful signature?
1. the game
2. internet
3. a good browser (ex.: firefox)
4. some knowlege to find your mugshot
5. understand english language
6. brains...
Difficulity to create this signature: 2/5
+ Updates are automaticly, nice concept.
+ No need for hosting to host your signature.
+ Interesting information on your signature.
+ Sitedesign is very good!!!
+ Signature is very nice and no link burned in it...
- Its always risky to have a signature on someones others site because you never know if it will always stay online.
- big signature, maybe to big...
Its a site that you must try out for sure! You get a nice signature for free, and you dont to spend a lot of time in creating it.
Our rating: 9/10