Ok wednesday we got BIG news from the battlefield and the next message gave us a good feeling, read it by yourself:
----------LINKS BELOW BETA-USERS ONLY, SORRY-------------
Hello Heroes!
You wil be happy to know that we have just opened our test site.
All the info you need to start, you will find in this post.
Please read through, and at the end you will find the reward!
Before we start, a quick explanation of the terms we will use:
Production Environment / Public Environment
These both refer to the same thing: This is the actual site and the actual game; everyone who goes to the Battlefield Heroes site (http://play.battlefield-heroes.com) and logs in, is in this “environment.”
Short for Public Test Environment
Public Test Environment
The development version of the game and site.
This is a “preview” of, and testing ground for, upcoming content, both for the site and the game. This is basically a fake version, which is not and will never be “live”.
This can also be referred to as “pre-production”, or “pre-prod” for short.
Now, on to the good stuff:
What should I expect to see on the Public Test Environment (PTE)?
The Public Test Environment contains the features we are currently working on. These features might not quite be ready to be released into the Public Environment yet.
We would love to see your feedback, both on which parts of our new features don’t quite work as you’d expect and also your suggestions for possible improvements.
Can I log into the PTE with my usual EA Account?
Nope, sorry. You will need to create a new EA Test Account. Click the “Register” link on the PTE website to create yourself a test account.
Can I bring my Heroes from the Public Environment over to the PTE?
Sorry, at the moment this is not possible. Once you enter the PTE, you will need to create a new test Hero.
How does it work with Battlefunds in the PTE?
As it is now, you will not be able to buy Battlefunds in the PTE.
In order to help testing new features we may, when we deem it’s needed, grant you some test Battlefunds. However this will not always be the case.
The Battlefunds (and Valor Points and Hero Points) you have in the Public Environment will not be affected if you play on the PTE.
Will the Valor Points I earn, items I buy and Missions I complete in the PTE, be reflected in the Public Environment?
No sir! The PTE is separated from the Public Environment. Everything you do in the PTE stays in the PTE.
Is the Public Test Environment (PTE) always available?
Nope. It will usually be available for a few weeks before we publish a new Update to the Public Environment.
Once we publish a new Update, we will close the PTE. It will open again once we have more content to test.
The PTE doesn’t seem to be available, what’s going on?
Even during a phase when the PTE is available, we may close it temporarily, either for updates or because we need to test something else.
Who can play on the PTE?
Anyone can. Just follow the link.
How will I know if the PTE is available?
We will post an update on the “real” site, to let you know when the PTE is available.
Once the PTE is available, how do I play on it?
Click the link below to access the PTE. You will then access the latest test version of the Heroes website and game. Remember: On the PTE, if you didn’t already, you need to create both an EA Test account as well as new Heroes to play with.
Is my Hero on the PTE permanent?
Nope. Your Hero will only live as long as the test phase lasts. It will be a short, but glorious life.
Prices/items/things in general, look different here, what's up?!
Anything on the PTE is temporary and subject to change. This goes for the Store, items, prices and anything else.
I can't seem to log in on the PTE. /Sad
We decided to put a limit on the number of people who can simultaneously enter the PTE.
The current limit is pretty high, but should a LOT of you manage to fill it up anyway, then you'll have to wait your turn. When someone logs off, someone else can log on
I have to log in twice?
It might occur that you have to enter your login twice. Nothing to worry about.
Security Layer login: this is the same as on the normal site
account login: This is a new EA test account you create on the PTE
Do I have to download the game again?
Yes. The PTE will have a different, test, version of the game. It should install in parallel to your original installation.
Enough already. I've read the FAQ, now please take me to the PTE!
NOW the map looks very great, there are vehickles in it (cars only) and the windmill turns. The map is as big as Bucanneer Bay. We will see if we can give you a previeuw (enough on youtube about this, see below) for this map... Stay tuned for more news and enjoy the next pictures and clips...:
YOUTUBE (general):
www.youtube.com / VIDEO 1
www.youtube.com / VIDEO 2

There are a lot of new clothes with the PTE (n/a in the normal béta):
Download all the clothes here...
(in .png format, on Rapidshare, Version 3 is the last pack with all the clothes in...)
They will give us the opertunity to buy BF (BattleFunds) with PayPal, in the soon future!!!

The site is again updated and looks like this: