This service is giving you the chanche to make your very own signature for Battlefield Heroes. First of all a signature is a block of information automatically appended at the bottom of each forum post. That block usually contains links for sites or images owned or favoured by the post author.
ATTENTION: You need to follow the steps below to succeed in making your own signature. If you want "Full Layout - signature" (you can see it in the 'Sample' chapture) you need to have the game installed...
ATTENTION: You need to follow the steps below to succeed in making your own signature. If you want "Full Layout - signature" (you can see it in the 'Sample' chapture) you need to have the game installed...
Everytime you go to play BF Heroes as soon as you click the "Play Now" button to join a server, the game automatically takes a "mugshot" of your currently selected hero. This "mugshot" is saved to your game installtion directory as mugshot.png. You can find the mugshot.png "typically" in the following location(s):
Windows XP*
%C%:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield Heroes\mods\bfheroes\
Windows Vista*
%C%:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield Heroes\mods\bfheroes\
%C%:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\Battlefield Heroes\mods\bfheroes\
That's right, get your vogue on and spice up your mugshot a bit by capturing your mugshot during an "Emote" animation... Simply go into the "Emote" section of "My Stuff" or the one in the "Store", click on any emote and while your hero is animating quickly click the Play Now button when your character is in the desired pose. Whallah! You now have a mugshot that even Madonna would be proud of...
Take a mugshot of your hero in clothing and accessories you have not "actually" bought yet. You can "go window shopping" in the store and dress up your hero in some new threads and accessories and then click the "Play Now" button and get a snazzed up mugshot.**
**Note: You won't be able to take a "posed" or animated mugshot of your character wearing items you have not actually purchased. So this is a trade off as to which effect you want from the above tips.
Q. How do I use my generated signature image on the forums?FAQ's
A. Learn how to use bbcode and update it through your User CP link up top, or WoIf explains a method pretty clearly here.
Q. I can't find the mugshot.png, what should I do?
A. You need to re-read the INFORMATION section above.
Q. I made my own snazzy little signature image in Photoshop, can I show it off here?
A. The short answer is, No. Please refrain from testing your own homemade signature images on this thread, that is what this forum is for... No need for thread hijacking here...
Q. What if my question is not on this FAQ list?
A. Please re-read the infomation items above, you might have missed it. If your question still isn't answered after re-reading the information above, try the "SEARCH TOPIC" feature at the bottom of this thread (it does wonders!). The thread is pretty long and it more than likely already has an answer for you somewhere. Still no luck? Then post a reply to this thread and someone will most likely give you an answer at some point.
4/1/2009 @ 9:56PM ESTUPDATES
PROBLEM SOLVED! Direct linking is now no more an issue. I apologize for the occasional inadvertant login prompts you guys have been receiving on certain threads. This was all due in part thanks to a few that neglected to follow instructions, and not direct link to any generated sigs from my app. I have gone and extended the tail end of my script to basically "force download" the generated image, so they now do not get a url to copy and link to...
3/31/2009 @ 7:58PM EST
Added some new information & tips above...
3/30/2009 @ 8:30PM EST
New low profile layout added!! To satisfy those who were looking for a lower profile signature for BF Heroes, I have added a "Layout" option where you can choose between making a "Full Layout" (the OG signature) or "Micro Layout" signature. Unfortunatley, since it is thinner, it won't be needing the use of your character mugshot.. It displays your name, level (if you want it), faction and class...
3/29/2009 @ 8:01AM EST
I've added the option to "not" show the character level on the image output. Select the "Do not show level" option from the list to not include this image in the layout.
Micro Layout

Screenshot from the site:

Click the button to make your signature:
Screenshot from the site:

(click it for a bigger view)