Tuesday, April 21, 2009

NEW BFHEROES MAP!!! (unnamed, comming soon)


Hello Heroes!

As promised, here is your surprise. We have been working on a new map.

It isn't done!

We need your help, because it doesn't have a name yet.

We would like to hear your suggestions!

Some things to keep in mind before you start those synapses firing:
Look at the map closely and think about its characteristics:
things like like bridges, the windmill, the cliffs, etc.

Also keep in mind the names of the already existing maps:
Seaside Skirmish
Victory Village
Buccaneer Bay

The player with the winning suggestion will earn fame and glory. When we announce the new map to the world, your name will be included in the news.

That's it, good luck!

The new, as yet unnamed map:

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