Saturday, October 3, 2009

Handfull BFHeroes updates + NEW map: "riverside rush"


Here we are again... With a lot of hot things to tell you !!!

- New Map called "RR" or "Riverside Rush"
- New better general layout
- New updates
- New weapons (unlimited use action and new decorated weapons)
- Forum update
- Buy Additional Character Slots

New Map Called "RR" will it be a succes?

Well we saw a lot of good things about this map. But we need to inform you again that it is near the water you will be playing...

Now you will defenitly need to check it out to know all the detailles !!!

New Better General Layout

Some fancy adds on the top of the page!

Click ON it for a bigger view!!!

New Updates

New weapons

Check out the site for more...

Forum update

The posts from the mods or developers are now in blue so you can see if someone is a mod or not...

Buy Additional Character Slots

YES, its now possible BUT you need to invest 140 BF (BattleFunds) for each extra slot...

Saturday, August 29, 2009


This message is floating around the last days on the Official BFHeroes Forum:

Hello Heroes!

In the next few days we will be deploying a new technical update. This update brings fixes for some of the most common problems:

- We know joining a friends game in Heroes can be somewhat tricky. We’ve been working on a new feature to help improve this for you. Now, when you attempt to join a friend who’s game is full, you will be added to a queue to join automatically when a space comes up.

- We hate cheaters and hackers as much as you do. With this update we’ve implemented some new things to make their life MUCH harder.

- Quite a few of you have been experiencing “Error 15”. For the vast majority of the unlucky this should have now gone away.

While we’ve been working on this technical update, we’ve also been hard at work on a whole new content update. More on what you will find in that very soon!

Here’s the update list in full:
  • Feature: Added support for queuing when trying to join a friend or a bookmarked server
  • Exploit Fix: Fixed an issue that permitted a number of exploits and cheats being used by players.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue that was causing error 15 in a large number of servers
  • Bug Fix: The game will update/patch properly now, even if you have updated your version of PunkBuster manually
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with banner ads not appearing correctly
  • Bug Fix: Bookmarked Servers should now correctly display online/offline status
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a number of bugs related to VIP system
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a number of server side crashes
  • Bug Fix: Added text strings that were missing

If you want to check/test it out NOW, you can already try it on the PTE!!!


1. If you receive an error (Can not download Patch info File) when trying to update your version of the PTE you may need to un-install any previous versions and re-download the game.
2. There is a log-in cap and servers are limited to the US east coast and Europe.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

BFHeroes automated signatures... (Part 2/2)

Hi, like our previous post you already know that there is a site with a possibility to create your very own unique signature. But we wanted to share you everything we know about creating signatures for BFHeroes... So now we will show you two very NEW sites who are providing signatures that automaticly updates according your activity and stats on the game itself. Have fun testing them out:

1. Statistics Signature Creator

Preview of a signature:

Screenshot from the site itself:
(Click it for a bigger view)

Current features:

- Displays your character name
- Displays the accumulated XP in a percentage of the total XP you can achieve
- Displays an estimated ingame time you need to play in order to reach level 30
- Displays your abilities and their levels
- Displays a graphical representation of the percentage you have done
- Displays your character. New! Optional: upload your mugshot.
- Displays your faction, class and level

What do I need to have to create such a beautiful signature?

1. the game
2. internet
3. some knowlege to find your mugshot
4. know your
current XP
5. understand english language
6. brains...

Difficulity to create this signature: 2/5


+ Updates are automaticly, nice concept and a very good working site...
+ No need for hosting to host your signature.


- Not really somthing bad to tell about this site, but perhaps the sitedesign could be better.
(Somekind of a BFHeroestheme... )

- Also is the link to the site burned in the picture itself:

- Its always risky to have a signature on someones others site because you never know if it will always stay online.


Its a site that you must try out for sure! You get a nice signature for free, and you dont to spend a lot of time in creating it.

Our rating: 8/10

1. Dynamic Signature Creator


Previeuw of a signature:

Screenshot from the site itself:
(Click it for a bigger view)

Current features:

- Displays your character name
- Displays your abilities and their levels
- Displays your character. (mugshot)
- Displays your faction, class and level
- Displays your other soldiers

What do I need to have to create such a beautiful signature?

1. the game
2. internet
3. a good browser (ex.: firefox)
4. some knowlege to find your mugshot
5. understand english language
6. brains...

Difficulity to create this signature: 2/5


+ Updates are automaticly, nice concept.
+ No need for hosting to host your signature.
+ Interesting information on your signature.
+ Sitedesign is very good!!!
+ Signature is very nice and no link burned in it...


- Its always risky to have a signature on someones others site because you never know if it will always stay online.
- big signature, maybe to big...


Its a site that you must try out for sure! You get a nice signature for free, and you dont to spend a lot of time in creating it.

Our rating: 9/10

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Want your very own BFHeroes signature? (Part 1/2)


This service is giving you the chanche to make your very own signature for Battlefield Heroes. First of all a signature is a block of information automatically appended at the bottom of each forum post. That block usually contains links for sites or images owned or favoured by the post author.

ATTENTION: You need to follow the steps below to succeed in making your own signature. If you want "Full Layout - signature" (you can see it in the 'Sample' chapture) you need to have the game installed...



The service is not offering hosting of any generated signatures at this time. ALL generated signatures ARE DELETED from the server within 15 minutes after you create it.

Everytime you go to play BF Heroes as soon as you click the "Play Now" button to join a server, the game automatically takes a "mugshot" of your currently selected hero. This "mugshot" is saved to your game installtion directory as mugshot.png. You can find the mugshot.png "typically" in the following location(s):

Windows XP*
%C%:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield Heroes\mods\bfheroes\
Windows Vista*
%C%:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield Heroes\mods\bfheroes\
%C%:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\Battlefield Heroes\mods\bfheroes\

*You WILL NOT find the mugshot.png file in your "My Documents\Battlefield Heroes\mods\bfheroes\" folder. If you are only seeing a "cache" folder, you are looking in the wrong place.

*Windows Vista Users: Some users have said they could not locate the mugshot.png in the exact location noted above or not being updated. To get around this some have reported that disabling UAC made it so they could finally get the image where noted.



Strike a pose, Mugshots with some zing!
That's right, get your vogue on and spice up your mugshot a bit by capturing your mugshot during an "Emote" animation... Simply go into the "Emote" section of "My Stuff" or the one in the "Store", click on any emote and while your hero is animating quickly click the Play Now button when your character is in the desired pose. Whallah! You now have a mugshot that even Madonna would be proud of...

Comon, Papa needs a new pair of shoes!
Take a mugshot of your hero in clothing and accessories you have not "actually" bought yet. You can "go window shopping" in the store and dress up your hero in some new threads and accessories and then click the "Play Now" button and get a snazzed up mugshot.**

**Note: You won't be able to take a "posed" or animated mugshot of your character wearing items you have not actually purchased. So this is a trade off as to which effect you want from the above tips.



Q. How do I use my generated signature image on the forums?
A. Learn how to use bbcode and update it through your User CP link up top, or WoIf explains a method pretty clearly here.

Q. I can't find the mugshot.png, what should I do?
A. You need to re-read the INFORMATION section above.

Q. I made my own snazzy little signature image in Photoshop, can I show it off here?
A. The short answer is, No. Please refrain from testing your own homemade signature images on this thread, that is what this forum is for... No need for thread hijacking here...

Q. What if my question is not on this FAQ list?
A. Please re-read the infomation items above, you might have missed it. If your question still isn't answered after re-reading the information above, try the "SEARCH TOPIC" feature at the bottom of this thread (it does wonders!). The thread is pretty long and it more than likely already has an answer for you somewhere. Still no luck? Then post a reply to this thread and someone will most likely give you an answer at some point.



4/1/2009 @ 9:56PM EST
PROBLEM SOLVED! Direct linking is now no more an issue. I apologize for the occasional inadvertant login prompts you guys have been receiving on certain threads. This was all due in part thanks to a few that neglected to follow instructions, and not direct link to any generated sigs from my app. I have gone and extended the tail end of my script to basically "force download" the generated image, so they now do not get a url to copy and link to...

3/31/2009 @ 7:58PM EST
Added some new information & tips above...

3/30/2009 @ 8:30PM EST
New low profile layout added!! To satisfy those who were looking for a lower profile signature for BF Heroes, I have added a "Layout" option where you can choose between making a "Full Layout" (the OG signature) or "Micro Layout" signature. Unfortunatley, since it is thinner, it won't be needing the use of your character mugshot.. It displays your name, level (if you want it), faction and class...

3/29/2009 @ 8:01AM EST
I've added the option to "not" show the character level on the image output. Select the "Do not show level" option from the list to not include this image in the layout.



Full Layout

Micro Layout


Click the button to make your signature:

Screenshot from the site:

(click it for a bigger view)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

Its going fast right now....

It went down and now its up again ( with more then you ever could expect!!)

If you already saw the new official béta site, then you would know that there is something we can expect very soon! But still they didn't went fully open...
So Soldiers, keep tuned for more news...!!!

Screen of the new site:

The new site is full flash and for me it loads too slow... But still its not the final result!

Friday, May 29, 2009

NEW MAP: Coastal Clash is OUT!!! (ON PTE) + EXTRA NEWS

Ok wednesday we got BIG news from the battlefield and the next message gave us a good feeling, read it by yourself:

----------LINKS BELOW BETA-USERS ONLY, SORRY-------------

Hello Heroes!

You wil be happy to know that we have just opened our test site.
All the info you need to start, you will find in this post.

Please read through, and at the end you will find the reward!

Before we start, a quick explanation of the terms we will use:
Production Environment / Public Environment
These both refer to the same thing: This is the actual site and the actual game; everyone who goes to the Battlefield Heroes site ( and logs in, is in this “environment.”

Short for Public Test Environment

Public Test Environment
The development version of the game and site.
This is a “preview” of, and testing ground for, upcoming content, both for the site and the game. This is basically a fake version, which is not and will never be “live”.
This can also be referred to as “pre-production”, or “pre-prod” for short.

Now, on to the good stuff:
What should I expect to see on the Public Test Environment (PTE)?
The Public Test Environment contains the features we are currently working on. These features might not quite be ready to be released into the Public Environment yet.

We would love to see your feedback, both on which parts of our new features don’t quite work as you’d expect and also your suggestions for possible improvements.

Can I log into the PTE with my usual EA Account?
Nope, sorry. You will need to create a new EA Test Account. Click the “Register” link on the PTE website to create yourself a test account.

Can I bring my Heroes from the Public Environment over to the PTE?
Sorry, at the moment this is not possible. Once you enter the PTE, you will need to create a new test Hero.

How does it work with Battlefunds in the PTE?
As it is now, you will not be able to buy Battlefunds in the PTE.
In order to help testing new features we may, when we deem it’s needed, grant you some test Battlefunds. However this will not always be the case.

The Battlefunds (and Valor Points and Hero Points) you have in the Public Environment will not be affected if you play on the PTE.

Will the Valor Points I earn, items I buy and Missions I complete in the PTE, be reflected in the Public Environment?
No sir! The PTE is separated from the Public Environment. Everything you do in the PTE stays in the PTE.

Is the Public Test Environment (PTE) always available?
Nope. It will usually be available for a few weeks before we publish a new Update to the Public Environment.
Once we publish a new Update, we will close the PTE. It will open again once we have more content to test.

The PTE doesn’t seem to be available, what’s going on?
Even during a phase when the PTE is available, we may close it temporarily, either for updates or because we need to test something else.

Who can play on the PTE?
Anyone can. Just follow the link.

How will I know if the PTE is available?
We will post an update on the “real” site, to let you know when the PTE is available.

Once the PTE is available, how do I play on it?
Click the link below to access the PTE. You will then access the latest test version of the Heroes website and game. Remember: On the PTE, if you didn’t already, you need to create both an EA Test account as well as new Heroes to play with.

Is my Hero on the PTE permanent?
Nope. Your Hero will only live as long as the test phase lasts. It will be a short, but glorious life.

Prices/items/things in general, look different here, what's up?!
Anything on the PTE is temporary and subject to change. This goes for the Store, items, prices and anything else.

I can't seem to log in on the PTE. /Sad
We decided to put a limit on the number of people who can simultaneously enter the PTE.
The current limit is pretty high, but should a LOT of you manage to fill it up anyway, then you'll have to wait your turn. When someone logs off, someone else can log on Smile

I have to log in twice?
It might occur that you have to enter your login twice. Nothing to worry about.
Security Layer login: this is the same as on the normal site
account login: This is a new EA test account you create on the PTE

Do I have to download the game again?
Yes. The PTE will have a different, test, version of the game. It should install in parallel to your original installation.

Enough already. I've read the FAQ, now please take me to the PTE!

----------LINKS ABOVE BETA-USERS ONLY, SORRY-------------

NOW the map looks very great, there are vehickles in it (cars only) and the windmill turns. The map is as big as Bucanneer Bay. We will see if we can give you a previeuw (enough on youtube about this, see below) for this map... Stay tuned for more news and enjoy the next pictures and clips...:

YOUTUBE (general): / VIDEO 1 / VIDEO 2




There are a lot of new clothes with the PTE (n/a in the normal béta):

Download all the clothes here...
(in .png format, on Rapidshare, Version 3 is the last pack with all the clothes in...)

They will give us the opertunity to buy BF (BattleFunds) with PayPal, in the soon future!!!

The site is again updated and looks like this:


Monday, May 18, 2009

Overview of different ways to procure items in BFHeroes

We'd like to give you an overview of the different ways to procure items in Battlefield Heroes.

There are three different ways of getting cool stuff:

Battlefunds - the only thing you buy with real money
Valor Points - these are free
Hero Points - these are free too

Let's start with Battlefunds.

If you're in our Store and see an item that has this icon, that means you need Battlefunds to buy it:
[Image: 10870]

Battlefunds are the ONLY currency you buy with actual money
Battlefunds are used to buy cool clothing items, outfits, emotes and widgets*
Battlefunds are what lets you make yourself look cool, funny, different; set yourself apart from the crowd
Battlefunds could be said to be there for those people who can't dedicate the majority of their time to playing the game
Battlefunds can NOT be used to buy yourself a real advantage in the game. I.e. you cannot buy bigger, better weapons with Battlefunds
Battlefunds apply to your entire account, they can be spent on ANY of your Heroes

Next up are Valor Points.
Now, if you're in our Store and you see an item that has this icon, that means you need Valor Points to buy it:
[Image: 10871]

Valor Points are free. Spend them all, you will get more, guaranteed
Valor Points are also used to buy cool clothing items, outfits, emotes and widgets*
Valor Points could be said to be there for those people who can't afford to spend a lot of real money, but have more time to play the game
Valor Points CAN be used to buy yourself a real advantage in the game. I.e. you CAN buy bigger, better weapons with Valor Points
Valor Points apply to your entire account, they can be spent on ANY of your Heroes.

On to number three: Hero Points.

Look for this icon, to know how many Hero Points you have:
[Image: 10872]

Every new soldier you create starts at level 1.
Every new soldier you create starts out with 0 Hero Points.
As you play, you gain XP (experience). Gain enough XP and you will gain a level.

Every time you gain an even level (2, 4, 6, etc.), you gain 1 additional Hero Point.
Hero Points are free
Hero Points are used to get more Abilities** and upgrade existing ones

Widgets are not items you wear, nor guns you buy. Widgets are items that support you while playing.
The current widgets are:
  • XP Boost - This is the eXPerience Boost. You buy this with Battlefunds (real money), you don't need to equip it and while it is active, you gain extra XP as you play
  • VP Boost - This is the Valor Point Boost. You buy this with Battlefunds (real money), you don't need to equip it and while it is active, you gain extra VP as you play
  • Bandages - You do NOT buy these with Battlefunds (real money). You buy these with Valor Points. They will let you heal yourself in battle.
  • Wrench - You do NOT buy this with Battlefunds (real money). You buy this with Valor Points. Wrench lets you repair the vehicle you're currently controlling.

Each of the three classes(Commando, Gunner, Soldier) has class-specific Abilities.
In addition to clothing items and emotes, Abilities add an extra dimension to your very own soldier. By choosing specific Abilities for your guy, you decide what kind of soldier he will be.
And remember: in the Abilities section, there's a small reset button, so you can try out different combinations.
Of note: Every soldier starts out with one "free" point assigned to their class specific Ability. When resetting your Abilities, this one point remains automatically assigned.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Reduced prices


After a lot of threads on the forums about the high prices for BF, Dice has decided to reduce them... :)

Official message

Hello Heroes!

We are very happy to announce that we have greatly and permanently reduced the prices on LOADS of Battlefund items in the store! Now it's even easier to customize your character, level up faster and earn more Valor Points!

Here are just a few examples:

XP Boost (30 days):

Was 2290 BF
Now only 1050 BF!

VP Boost (30 days):

Was 1740 BF
Now only 1050 BF!

BF Clothing Items (30 days):

Head, Face, Chest, Body, Accessory and Leg items now only 140 BF!

BF Emotes (30 days):

All 30 day BF emotes are now only 140 BF!

We've also introduced new longer versions of the XP and VP Boosts:

XP and VP Boost (90 days): 2730 BF each Only 910 BF per month!
XP and VP Boost (180 days): 4200 BF each Only 700 BF per month!

Be sure to drop by the Store, and grab yourself MORE for LESS!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Get your key now!!!

Want your key very fast??? Well I have great news for you click the links below: ^^ Email + Captha^^Email + address^^Create an account on

Battlefield Open Beta Annouced! (june)

Gamespot has recently had a interview with James Salt, Lead Designer of Battlefield Heroes with an announcement that open beta will be in June!

Together with the Interview video is 3 gameplay videos and the Gamespot team's experience playing the game.

The upcoming Battlefield Heroes will be a free-to-play online shooter from EA and our Swedish friends at Digital Illusions CE, better known as DICE, the creator of Battlefield 2. The game is already in a closed beta test state and is planned to go open beta this summer. We had a chance to jump in ourselves and have a few new details to report.

Battlefield Heroes currently has some 300,000 people signed up to play in the beta and already has more than 150,000 players in and playing. You'll start your new life in the game by going to the game's official Web site and registering, while the game downloads and installs itself on your computer.

We Just Played Battlefield Heroes - Videos

Get ready all you Battlefield fans for open beta this June!

(Source: )

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Update from the Battlefield, holalala serverprlms !!!

2009/04/28 11:05 Update:
The new update has mixed up some code and is making items not appear properly.
We're looking into what exactly happened and we will introduce a new Update as soon as humanly possible, to correct this display issue. (some SQL errors and overloaded)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Unnamed map: Coastal Clash

And now the winner of the new map contest.
(see previous message)

Take a bow:


Your suggestion won.

And now, coming soon, to a Battlefield near you:

Coastal Clash

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sent out 30 bétakeys...

Check this post

Great news Heroes,

We sent out 30 bétakeys to the people who subscribed on this blog. Congratulations!!!
You will get your key in 24 hours... (don't forget to check your spambox!)

Have a great time on the battlefield!

(Click the picture below to verify your key...)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

2009/04/23 08:15 - Update

By Goodman: (see previous post for more info)

The suggestion thread is now closed. Today the devs will pick their favourite and tell me the winning suggestion.

Once I know the winning name, I will contact the person who posted it, by email, and then announce the new name for this map!

Then, when development of the map is done, it will be introduced with one of the upcoming Game Updates.

A big thanks to everyone posting who's been posting, it has been great fun reading all your suggestions and I'm quite sure the devs will have (had) a hard time choosing their favourite suggestion.

By me:

As you all see the new map is for very soon! ;) Stay tuned we will release a video (not sure).

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

NEW BFHEROES MAP!!! (unnamed, comming soon)


Hello Heroes!

As promised, here is your surprise. We have been working on a new map.

It isn't done!

We need your help, because it doesn't have a name yet.

We would like to hear your suggestions!

Some things to keep in mind before you start those synapses firing:
Look at the map closely and think about its characteristics:
things like like bridges, the windmill, the cliffs, etc.

Also keep in mind the names of the already existing maps:
Seaside Skirmish
Victory Village
Buccaneer Bay

The player with the winning suggestion will earn fame and glory. When we announce the new map to the world, your name will be included in the news.

That's it, good luck!

The new, as yet unnamed map:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hacks on BFHeroes???

Hmmm, a lot of you are maybe angry now but it is reallity. There are already six (and certainly more) out atm... Its very sad news but dont worry Dice knows about all this issues. And like I said before they have plugged in punkbuster. But they still working on it because the hacks below stills work without getting banned (Don’t get me wrong this is not encouragement to try).

Now here are the hacks (google for more) :

Wall hack
Mark sniperbeams
No fog/water
Anti Punkerbuster build to prevent getting banned! <- geez they get smart

Battlefield Heroes Hack v3
Nametags Distance Increase
No Sky
Enemy Map
Distance Tags
View Distance

No sky
Enemy map
Name tags

BFHack v2
Nametags Distance Increase
No Sky
Enemy Map

fpscheats / Video
air/water hacks

HelioS-Framework-v3.0 LEVEL 3 <- paid hack Aimbot Wallhacks Radar Trigger bot Anti punkbuster

Now if you find one it will now be much easier (because you know what the hacks can do). Than you need to report it to Dice here: n/a (atm)

Now see its not funny to be victim of an aimbot... : Link

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How will the site look like???

Well here is the final (I think so) update on the béta site, it will look like this:
(Click it to get a bigger vieuw)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Upgrading BFHeroes béta: INFO

Well today we saw that a new update hase come out. The new update contains Punkbuster (an anti-cheat app). The site is also updated with a new function to buy BattleFunds...

What is PunkBuster?

PunkBuster is a computer program published by Even Balance, Inc. Its purpose is to prevent cheating in online games by banning players.

What are Battlefunds?

You can use Battlefunds to enhance your Battlefield Heroes experience. Some examples of the things you can get for Battlefunds are really cool new clothes to customize your Hero, XP Boost items that will let you level faster or awesome emotes that will make it easy for you to celebrate a victory or just make fun of your enemies. Once you have purchased Battlefunds you can exchange them in the Battlefield Heroes Store for Battlefield Heroes content. To get there, simply launch the game and navigate to the Store tab in game.

When you purchase Battlefunds you are purchasing digital licenses that can be exchanged for specific Battlefield Heroes content, such as clothing items, emotes and special widgets.

Friday, March 27, 2009